We offer:
swim coaching (latest drills will be imparted) for beginners, tiny tots, and advanced level swimmers –
watch here.
Voice over with a British accent available for documentaries, sports commentary and speech writing –
listen here.
Corporate security, security surveys, inspections, threat analysis and strategies to fight white collar crimes also available.
Call for consultation session here: 0321 9441677
Labels: About, Coaching, Elocution Training, Swimming, Swimming Lessons, Voice Over
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

With advent of sweltering heat and scorching sun public at large find recluse in public and private swimming pools. Albeit these pools provide an excellent ambiance and environment yet it requires sound knowledge of pool mannerisms and hygiene. For pool management safety of swimmers is of paramount significance. It would be in fitness of things to apprise all and sundry regarding the various etiquettes in vogue coupled with the glaring faux-pas which could be a source of embarrassment at times.
Read more »Labels: Swimming, Swimming Lessons
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

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posted by Salman Aslam @ 9:39 AM,

Happening Now
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posted by Salman Aslam @ 8:07 AM,

Primarily for those who may not be familiar with the word elocution which from Latin stems from eloqui to eloquence. This means expertise and metier in art of speech, delivery and voice modulation. Major accentuation of an elocutionist is on delivered of speech, prose or rendition of poetic verses. Art of eloquence implies correct stresses on words by rise to gradual crescendo followed by attenuation to a diminuendo. The elocutionist is trained to render a piece of unseen prose and a poem with lucidity with emphasis on pronunciation, frequency modulation so as to leave an indelible impression on the listeners.
Right from my school days we were taught by English teachers from British Council and Saint Marys. Radiant Reading and books of English history were taught during the 60s. Major emphasis was laid on correct usage of words, pronunciation with a British accent and eloquent delivery. In those halcyon days hat debates ad declamation contests were organised regularly to prepare students for impromptu off the cuff speeches.
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posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Trip to USA
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Labels: Photo Stream
posted by Salman Aslam @ 7:58 AM,

For those who might not be conversant with this terminology voice over is technique in which person delivers a presentation, narration/commentary on augmenting the script of a film, TV, or a documentary. This is normally pre-recordedby seasoned voice over artists to narrate events, topographical details, cover news events and as narrators for series like National Geographic, Discovery and Animal Planet.
History and Geographic Channels makes extensive use of voice overs in epitomizing epoch making events of the past coupled with graphic details of nature at its best. The name that immediately strikes one is nonetheless legendary octogenarian Sir David Attenborough.
Another dimension where voice over has made deep ingress is animated films, cartoons, TV advertising and dubbing in films. Even sports commentary is done by voice over artists watching TV on their couches.
Educational programmes of lengthy nature are recorded by voice over artists in making educational DVDs. Voice over artistes need to have a coherent voice and a lucid expression. Clientele generally specifies certain parameters for selecting artists like, age of voice, type of accent and nature of assigned task. Price range is also depicted.
Voice articulation is of significant value to mimic and imitate roles of artists. It requires practicing intonation varying tempo so as to build a steady crescendo followed by a gradual diminuendo.Breath control is also equally important during recording demos. That is inflection in one’s style. A more conversationalist style is preferred.
Voice over in the recent past is an industry which has me resounding success and demand with a vast potential to further mushroom.
I have vast experience spread-eagled over 5 decades in field of elocution, commentary, presentations master of ceremony, soliloquy dramas and prose. My metier and forte has been compering, English dramatics and sports commentator of all sports.
Labels: Elocution Training, Voice Over
posted by Salman Aslam @ 9:30 AM,

Labels: Photo Stream
posted by Salman Aslam @ 9:29 AM,

Labels: Travel
posted by Salman Aslam @ 8:55 AM,

Thursday, May 18, 2017
Bear Country Rapid City South Dakota
Labels: Travel, USA
posted by Salman Aslam @ 9:57 AM,

Labels: Photo Stream, Travel
posted by Salman Aslam @ 8:32 AM,

Sunday, May 14, 2017
Labels: Photo Stream
posted by Salman Aslam @ 8:44 AM,

Labels: Golf, Golfing, Photo Stream
posted by Salman Aslam @ 1:32 PM,

Labels: Golf, Golfing, Photo Stream
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Labels: Photo Stream, Travel
posted by Salman Aslam @ 10:01 AM,

This event was the high tide and culminating point of golfing season prior to advent of Ramzan. It was a grand finale to the golfing calendar of 2016-17 for LGG&CC. The atmosphere was stunning and phenomenal. The sweltering heat took its toll on the players’ especially the older geriatrics. The entire cantonment was adorned, embellished and bedecked with massive posters. Club itself was emblazoned and gave an aura of festivity and carnival like ambiance. The razzle –dazzles and hustle bustle really was staggering. The entire event was programmed with clocklike precision. Souvenir’s and mementos were generous which exhibited the extravaganza of the sponsors. No one scored an ace much to the relief of hole in one car sponsors. Golf aficionados and connoisseurs really had a bash. The new committee of management led by the gunners were steadfast to their motto of precision and meticulousness.
The conduct of the competition was par excellence. Kudos and accolade for the gunners for their superb conduct. Pace of play was swift with no hold ups. Procedure at par 3 call holes was stringently observed. Rules committee did a good job monitoring and rambling on the course. There were no hiccups and snags. Special events for junior golfers were also staged to bolster golf amongst the young aspirants. Talent hunt needs to be geared. There is a need to have rules & etiquette seminars to infuse and instill familiarity with the games rulings and decisions. Panel of referees must be formed at PGA and PGF level to monitor all events.
Read more »Labels: Championship, Golf, LGG&CC
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Trekking on DungaGali to Ayubia Trail.
Labels: Photo Stream
posted by Salman Aslam @ 3:04 PM,

Above: Master of Ceremony swimming Gala Lahore Gymkhana. Below: Receiving memento as an
accomplished swimmer.
Labels: Lahore Gymkhana, Photo Stream, Swimming
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Etymology study and origin of words has always intrigued me. Foreign words like schadenfreude (pleasure in misfortune befalling others). Words like stoicism, sadomasochism and envy were other inter-related emotions. There is no direct synonym for this word in English language. Gloating and epicaricacy were the closest vis-vis schadenfreude.
In this article I wanted to carve a deduction relative to the moral retrogression, hatred, and anger so pre-dominant in our societal strata. Schadenfreude is a passive and hidden emotion which is seen generally in people who are victims of neglect, depression and suffering. In our society this trend has propelled to new heights. A feeling of hatred and callousness to the point of stoicism (No feeling) has reached dangerous levels. Intolerance and bigotry has given vent to lynching a mob rule. The public are devoid of emotion in witnessing a mob lynching innocent persons in the garb of religion. Public derive immense pleasure in recording such ghastly and dastardly acts for sake of money. This gives the impression that we are reverting back to age of barbarism where punishments like drawing, hanging and quartering were witnessed gleefully.
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posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Saturday, May 6, 2017
Labels: Photo Stream, Salman Aslam
posted by Salman Aslam @ 8:28 AM,

4th Quaid e Azam Open Golf tournament was held from 10-14 December 2014 at the opulent and majestic Lahore Gymkhana Club course. The Shezan sponsored mega event was spread over 5 days. Event was meticulously planned and conducted in a befitting manner. Cushion of additional 2 days allocated for senor pros, amateurs and ladies who played over 36 holes really augured well. Resultantly positive aspect being that there was no commotion and congregations at tees. These categories really relished playing 36 holes. Thus providing them ample opportunity for recovery and posting good scores.
Weather was ideal for golf and low scoring. The field was stat studded. Competitive levels fierce.There was no paucity of time. Consequently event was orchestrated with clock like precision and synchronization.The main attraction was the professionals vying for the top slot and hefty prize money. Shabbir Iqbal fresh from his spectacular victory at Garrison Open continues to ride the high crest of glory being a hot favourite.
Read more »Labels: Golf, LGG&CC, Sports
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

1. Following suggestions encompassing various disciplines are appended below please: -
(1) Committees. Following committees to be formed from members duly elected: -
(a) Club Committees
(b) Handicap Committee
(c) Tournament Committee
(d) Discipline Committee
(e) Membership Committee
(f) Greens Committee
(g) Fairways Committee
(h) Tree Plantation Committee
(j) Rules Committee
(2) Management of Course. Apart from committees mentioned earlier appointment holders for various sporting activities should also be nominated / elected as under (For details refer to bye-laws):-
Read more »Labels: Golf, LGG&CC, Rules, Sports
posted by Salman Aslam @ 8:21 AM,

On behalf of the Pool Committee I welcome you to the Presentation Ceremony of Swimming Gala 20015 Chairman has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest. The Gala has been sponsored by NESTLE through its brand name MILO. We are grateful for their gesture in promotion of Swimming.
This event has been unique as it was staged at night under floodlights for the first time. This really added a touch of grandeur, splendor with a carnival atmosphere.
Swimming, ladies and gentlemen has always been a highly popular sport during summer season at the Gymkhana. This year a new dimension was added in the form of diving and water polo. Water polo gained immense popularity amongst all segments of members and has achieved semblance of permanence in future.
Swimming is the best form of aerobic, cardio vascular exercise. It is one sport, which starts from the age of one till 100. For the young it is ideal for development / expansion of chest, suppleness of body and for an upright posture. It infuses and instills confidence, endurance breath control and speed. Swimming is a blend of synchronization of arms / legs movement articulated by proper breathing techniques like trickle / explosive breathing. Diving and turning still continues to be appalling and a weak link, which warrants appropriate corrective actions. Diving classes are also being planed next month.
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posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Labels: Coaching, Swimming, Swimming Lessons
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,

Of late there has been a retrogressive erosion of our social values and ethos. Etiquettes, courtesies customs and norms of conduct were the pride of comity of nations. They had been evolved as a result of centuries old traditions and practices. Every aspect of life was minutely analysed before evolution of these mannerisms based on the idiosyncrasies of public at large. Victorian England was the forerunner in carving a niche for them by excelling in this art. French and Russians also followed suit. Conduct and demeanour in a society was a true reflection of good breeding, refinement and lineage.
Etiquette aspects encompassed all facets of day to day life in painstakingly meticulous details. Significant ones affecting our lives which are dwindling and on the wane vis-vis technological advancements are enumerated below:-
Read more »Labels: Etiquette Modules, Life Style, Society
posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:00 AM,