Saturday, May 26, 2018
Antecedents of golfing rules can be traced to its inception in 1744 at Scotland. Over centuries they have undergone numerous changes. Rules were first crystalized in 1897 by the regulating body Royal & Ancient Golf Club Saint Andrews. With the passage of time rules kept on changing in conformity with dictates of equipment and course parameters. Eventually in 2016 it was decided to modify rules and make them more golfers friendly. USGA in collaboration with R&A decided to get input from all golfing community regarding proposed changes in the offing.
Based on recommendations modifications to rules have been unfurled effective 1st January 2019. Interestingly golf rule book has been slashed from 34 rules to 24. Golf is a game based on impeccable integrity of players. It is self-monitoring/self-umpiring based on etiquettes and good demeanour. It envisages even imposition of self-penalty for infringement of rules. For smooth conduct of game knowledge of rules is of paramount significance.
I will be dwelling on the significant rule changes coming into effect for assimilation of all and sundry.
Following are the salient features which will have a pronounced bearing on the conduct of the game:-
- Dropping Procedure While taking relief from an abnormal course condition or in a penalty area ball will be dropped from knee height to ensure consistency. Way back in the eighties a golfer faced the hole and dropped over his shoulder. This will preclude possibilities of redrops to minimum.
- Ball Lost or Out of Bounds Much to the glee an exhilaration of club golfers a local club rule will be invoked. This entails a time saving measure whereby golfers can drop ball in the vicinity of where ball lost/OB with a 2 stroke penalty even in nearest fairway. Applicable for club level matches only.
- Relaxed Bunker Rules Bunkers are a club golfer’s nightmare. Stringent Rules have been unshackled for the golf hacker and duffers. Golfers can move loose impediments inside bunkers, even touch sand with club away from the ball and eventually get out of the trap with a 2 stroke penalty. Grounding of club next to ball still not permitted.
- Relaxed Rules for Penalty Areas/Water Hazards Terminology of lateral and water hazards replaced by term penalty areas. This also encapsulates areas like deserts, jungles and rocks. Grounding of club and touching of water allowed.
- Putting Green Waivers Rules eased to allow putting with flag stick unattended. Repairing of spike marks allowed without penalty.
- No Penalty for ball moved on Green accidentally moving of ball by a player no penalty imposition. Also applicable during search of a players ball.
- Pace of Play Time limit for a shot is 40 seconds.
- Search Time Lost ball Reduced from 5 to 3 minutes to enhance pace of play.
- Removal of Penalty for Double Hit for the whifflers and whooshes double hit penalty has been finally dispensed with.
- Measuring in taking Relief the longest club will be used for taking relief with or without penalty other than the putter.
- No Penalty for ball hitting player on rebound the penalty for a ball hitting a player on rebound from a bunker etcetera has also been revoked.
The unkindest cut of all is that knowledge and interpretation of golf rules leaves much to be desired. Resultantly ignorance of rules results in mutual waiver and compromise whose penalty is disqualification.
The need of the hour warrants holding rules seminars and awareness drive among golfers to regulate game smoothly. Pool of rules wizards be formed to monitor national and international events. Selected golfers sent to R&A to qualify as International Level Rules Officials.
Labels: Golf
posted by Salman Aslam @ 11:08 AM,
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