Bon Vivant Hole 19 at Lahore Garrison
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
The grand opening of Hole 19 at Lahore Garrison and Country Club with all its razzle-dazzle has been a booming success. Gormandizers and bon vivants congregate to savour the mouth-watering and tantalizing cuisine being offered. Serene Location it offers the ideal ambience and atmosphere for food connoisseurs. It offers alfresco dining along with soiree. Leather bound chairs offer added comfort and relaxation.
On entrance one is gleefully greeted by a refined staff trained by the burly Manager F&B Khurram. Cleanliness is impressive. The setting is stunningly aesthetic. Décor and seating further glorifies the ambiance accentuated by exquisite lighting sequences ideal for fine dining. Colour combination is refined and stimulating.
posted by Salman Aslam @ 1:04 PM,
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Courses Profile Data / Compendium
is contemplating compiling a Golf Compendium/website containing courses
/ clubs profile of all its golf courses.
2. For
promotion of golf and wider publicity of golf courses in Pakistan this
compendium is being prepared. This can be circulated to all leading hotels,
PTDC, airports and communication centers. In this regard maximum input would be
required from the concerned golf clubs to make this herculean task possible.
Following data and input is requires making it all encompassing:-
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posted by Salman Aslam @ 12:57 PM,
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